A Lovely Thank You from Innocent Smoothies

After contacting Innocent Smoothies to share this website they sent me wonderful Thank You parcel. 
I was touched by their generosity and wanted to share this with you.
A BIG Thank You to them.
Innocent Big Knit Hats Thank You Innocent Big Knit Hats Thank You Innocent Big Knit Hats Thank You

The contents of the parcel - thanking me for my contribution to the Big Knit Campaign. Innocent have been EXTREMELY generous. Feel really chuffed to be so appreciated by them.

Innocent Smoothies humour!
The little card included in the parcel.
Innocent Big Knit Hats Thank You Innocent Big Knit Hats Book Innocent Big Knit Hats Book
Hand-written message from Helena, click on the image to view a larger version!

Innocent - our story and some things we've learned - a fantastic read,

a big recommendation if you have never read this.

This is the main page on the Big Knit Campaign and how it came about.