Innocent Smoothies Big Knit Hats - Octopus Octopus - a pattern sent to me by Marie-M
Click on the octopus to the left to see Marie-M's original design!  A totally inspired design as it is knitted ALL in one piece and all in plain knit - you will LOVE them!
Cast on 20st
Knit 2 rows if you have cast on with your thumb, 3 rows if you have cast on with needles.
* Cast off 8 stitches, knit rest of row.
Knit 3 rows and then cast on 8 stitches using the needle method (below)
Knit 2 rows.**
Rpt from * to ** 6 times.
Cast off 8st, k to end. (8 tentacles)
Knit 2 rows. Cast Off. 

Sew up the back seam, gather around the top of the head and apply googly eyes or buttons.  See - you DO love them!!

      Cast on using 2 needles - Marie-M's way:
      1st stitch-Make a knotted stitch with your fingers and put it on the left needle.
      2nd stitch- cast on using the usual simple method of knitting into the front of the first stitch.
      3rd stitch- cast on by passing the right needle behind both the front and the back of stitch 2.
      4th and following stitches-continue as with 3rd stitch.